Sep 17, 2010


You are another person I wish I took the time to get to know while I was still an FC addict haha. (: You're a really nice person it seems :] your medoll is also gorg. but I told that you on facebook haha:D


I posted pretty much everything I wanted to say to you in your formspring haha so i'll just kinda summarize for my blog lol
I love your personality, I love how you made your medoll stand out and didn't just go with the 'usual' look :D


You seem nice (:
I also love your taste in music haha
I've also seen you in tinychat (well I think it was you.. if it wasn't then this is going to be awkward o.O but i'm an awkward person so i'm use to awkwardness lmao..) but you're very pretty :]


I think that's how you spell your username.. Idk lmao but we get the point :D
I wish we became better friends. You seem like a pretty cool person. You're also EXTREEMMMMEEEELLYYYYY FREAKING GORGEOUS haha XD


I really wish I got to know you ..
You are a very real person. You say what you think which is awesomee haha. I also love how you're nice. I'm not sure if you liked me or not but yeah lol